Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lost Analysis and Commentary (Episode 15 - Follow the Leader)

Some episodes are character based. Some episodes are action oriented. Some episodes are mysterious. Some episodes are funny. And every once in a while, we get an episode that finds the perfect balance between all of these.....this week was one of those episodes.

If you didn't love this week's episode, then you might as well stop watching. "Follow the Leader" was probably the best episode of the season, and can easily be mentioned in the same breath as some of the all-time great episodes. As I start to formulate my thoughts for this week's write-up, I'm not sure I really know what is going on. And that is one reason this show is great....a dork like me can study every minute detail and then still come away questioning the direction of the show.

While I would stop short of saying this was a Richard-centric episode, the ageless wonder had more screen time than in any other episode. But, oddly, while Richard was present and integral to the story (post-Daniel discussions with Jack/Kate, guiding a group through the tunnels to Jughead, and late night adventures with Ben, Locke and Locke), he wasn't the focal point. Then again, Richard isn't a Ben explains, "He's a kind of... advisor. And he has had that job for a very, very long time." This isn't the first time we've heard that Richard has been around for a long time, but what does that mean? Previously, I've speculated that Alpert is from the time of the statue (presumably Ancient Egyptian era), and that the internet theory about his initials R.A. indicate he is the Egyptian god Ra may be correct. But then this week there was a curious little scene where Richard is building a ship in a bottle. Seems like an odd thing to do. When you take a look at the ship in the bottle and compare it to the painting of the Black Rock from last year's episode, "The Constant", I think you can make a reasonable case that the ship in the bottle is the Black Rock (yes....I note the additional mast in the model). So, this raises a Richard a former crew member of the Black Rock? This would mean that Richard arrived on the island in (or about) 1845. While this is indeed a long time, I'm still inclined to believe that Richard predates the Black Rock's arrival. Puzzling, none the less.

Richard with the Black Rock?

Portrait of the Black Rock from "The Constant"

The Black Rock on the island

Now let's turn to Mr. Locke. The scene where he had Richard treat his gunshot wound at the Beechcraft plane was fantastic. I was reminded of the scene in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" where future-Ted reminds past-Ted to wind his watch and says "That conversation made more sense this time." For both Locke and me, the wisdom of Ted rings true. However, I share Ben's confused amazement as to how Locke knew when and where to be. According to Locke, "the island told him". I find this as disquieting as Ben does. Since his death and resurrection, I've been operating under the assumption that Locke is "special" and not the same as the other island apparitions (like Christian Shepherd). Now I'm not so sure. Is he really alive? Or maybe just some form of undead? The additional knowledge and/or communication with the island just doesn't feel right. Something weird is going on.

No way. Yes way.

This brings me to the final scene. I was somewhat surprised to see that scene tacked on after the bomb scene. It seemed out of context...a morning march along the beach to some of the signature Lost music. Then John drops the real bomb....he wants to kill Jacob. Again, this is causing me to question some of my previous theories....namely that Jack is Jacob. I'm wondering if maybe Locke is Jacob and the he is on his way to be imprisoned in the cabin. Since time seems to be a variable on Lost, it could be possible that Locke/Jacob are in the cabin at all times regardless of when he enters it. Recall our first encounter with Jacob, where he says to Locke "Help me"....maybe that was really a message to himself. I think this is a little too far out there...even for Lost, but this whole Locke/Jacob thing has me thrown for a loop. I think it is possible, however, that in next week's finale, we may learn the identity of Jacob (how about that for a season ending cliffhanger....Jacob revealed to be Jack or Locke or Hurley or Bernard or Vincent).

Next is the Jack vs Kate debate. It was interesting to see Kate challenge Jack's newfound faith in his ability to change the future. Where Jack argues that they can put things back the way they are supposed to be, Kate believe he is nutty as Locke. Jack's confidence in his convictions again makes me waiver on my belief that the past can't be changed. But Kate's line, "I'm going back to find the rest of our people, because if I can't stop you, then maybe they can", makes me think that somehow the course of history will remain unchanged. Jack may try, but whatever happened, least I think so. Throw on top of all this, Richard's line, "I watched them all die", and I have no clue how this is all going to play out.

But with all the doubt this episode has cast on my theories I'm sticking to them:
- Richard is of ancient Egyptian origin
- Locke is "special"
- Jack is Jacob
- Whatever happened, happened

Now for stuff that isn’t quite as epic as the above, but interesting:

1) I am not much of a Juliet fan, but even I had to feel a little bad for her. There she was ready to take off for a new life of betting on Super Bowl winners and buying Microsoft stock with her beloved James, when who should come down the sub hatch, but her arch nemesis....Freckles. The look on Juliet’s face when Kate was handcuffed next to her was just priceless...I couldn’t help but chuckle at that.
2) Be honest...when Sawyer let Juliet get on the sub first, didn’t you think he was going to close the hatch and send her off the island without him? Maybe he really does love her. However, if I have to bet on one character dying next week, Juliet is it.
3) Speaking of Sawyer and Juliet, who didn’t see Phil hitting Juliet coming? I knew that guy was an ass from the first time we saw him. And also in that scene, Radzinski took his dickiness to a whole new level. Who the hell does this guy think he is that he can just assume control? Alexander Haig?
4) Submarine CGI effects were not so good. Looked pretty fake.
5) The funniest moment of the episode was Dr. Chang interrogating Hurley....and watching him crack. Even funnier was that when Hurley first arrived in 1977 and expressed concern about joining DHARMA, he asked Sawyer, “What if they start asking us questions we can't answer, like, uh, who's president in 1977?” To which Sawyer replied, “It's not a damn game show, Hugo.” Well, this week’s episode, it was Hugo Reyes come on down, you’re the next contestant on The Time is Right. That exchange with Chang was great stuff.
6) Great to see Sayid make his return....nice way to make an entrance too. The show just isn’t the same without him. Let’s hope he survives to the bitter end (although he’d be a perfect candidate to go out in a blaze of glory).
I am Sayid Jarrah....and I am a torturer

7) That not too subtle rub of Eloise’s tummy was a pretty clear indication that Eloise was preggers with Daniel at the time of his shooting.
8) Speaking of the shooting, I like that Eloise was quick to believe that Daniel was her would have been annoying to drag that out. I hope we get to see what happens to cause her to leave the island to better understand what drove her to send the Oceanic survivors back via Ajira 316.
9) Very cool when Richard/Jack/Eloise/Sayid had to swim into the tunnels.
10) What is the deal with The Others on the beach? They just sit around like lemmings waiting for someone to tell them what to do....seems kinda weird...oh thanks John, we never thought to find Jacob....let’s go.

Keg party at Jacob's!

11) And lastly, you had to love Richard saying to Ben, “I'm starting to think John Locke is gonna be trouble.” To which Ben replies, “Why do you think I tried to kill him?” Reminded me of Jack’s line from the season 1 finale, when he says to Kate, “...if we survive this, if we survive tonight....we're going to have a Locke problem.”

We head into next weeks two-hour finale with a lot of momentum. And you know that the finales never disappoint....every season ender has some shocking and/or huge event that changes the course of the series:

Season 1 – Walt’s abduction and the opening of the hatch
Season 2 – The capture of Jack, Kate and Sawyer
Season 3 – The death of Charlie and the flashforward
Season 4 – The moving of the island and Locke in the coffin

Something big is coming and I’m guessing there will be a game-changing surprise in the mix. Either way, next Wednesday can’t get here fast enough!

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