Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lost Analysis and Commentary (Episode 13 - Some Like It Hoth)

Well, this week's episode, was somewhat of a letdown coming off last week's epic Linus-palooza. If you listen to closely, you can hear the uber-geek population screaming "Filler episode!" While I didn't love "Some Like It Hoth", it was one of those episodes that if you look carefully enough you can pull out just enough nuggets to make it worth while.

Let me start by going on the record that I now only care that two characters survive for the end of the series....I am holding out hope for a spinoff series entitled: "The Hurley and Miles Supernatural Comedy Hour". When you get lines like:

"Why don't we carpool? It'll help with global warming, which hasn't happened yet, so maybe we can prevent it..."


"You're just jealous my powers are better than yours."


"That douche is my dad." is pure gold.

My new favorite couple

But lets get into the specifics of the episode. We finally got to see a full Miles-flashback episode....and I for one was glad. We got a little bit of a better sense of what Miles is all about. The major thing here is that Miles is indeed Pierre Chang's (aka Marvin Candle's) kid. But those of you who remember back to my first blog entry already knew that was the assumption I was under since we first saw Pierre's baby in the opening scene from season 5. We also learned that his ability to talk to dead people has been both a curse and a blessing to him since childhood. I also enjoyed seeing Miles' first encounter with Naomi Dorrit. What is significant about this meeting is that Miles gets out of the corpse information about Widmore, open graves, and an old airplane. This clearly dispels an internet theory that Widmore didn't fake the Oceanic 815 wreckage, the plane at the bottom of the ocean was the real 815, and it arrived there due to someone mucking with the past. So that is one theory we can toss in the trashcan.

Naomi makes a return appearance

Now, lets move to what I believe to be the most significant thing in this episode. In one of Miles' flashbacks, he is abducted in a van. The guy riding shotgun introduces himself as Bram. Please note that this is the same guy that was Ilana's sidekick on the island working on that massive crate I mentioned last week. Bram tells him that he doesn't want to get on Widmore's boat and then asks, "Do you know what lies in the shadow of the statue?" This is the same thing Ilana asked Lapidus last week. Bram also said that if Miles joined them, "all those things you've spent your life trying to find out? You'll know. You'll know who you are, Miles--why it is you have a gift, and most of all, you'll know about your father." If Bram and Ilana aren't working for Widmore and they don't appear to be working for Ben, then who the hell are these two? I'm going to guess that they are a third faction. Actually, I am starting to believe that the Widmore and Ben battle is really just an internal power struggle and the "war" Widmore spoke about a few weeks back will be with this new group. However, I don't think this new faction is really new (I don't believe that an entirely new organization is being introduced this late in the series)....I'm going to hazard a guess that they are representatives of the DHARMA Initiative....or whatever is left of it. And given Bram's comments above, I also believe that Pierre Chang is alive and perhaps leading this new group. So, do you still think this was a throw away episode?

Miles meets Bram

That covers the main stuff, but here are a few short hits on other things I found interesting:

1) Miles' mom appears to have been dying of cancer. Could it be due to exposure to radiation on the island (remember that nuclear bomb from the episode "Jughead" that is likely to end up under concrete in the Swan Station)?

2) Sawyer's...I mean LaFeur's island paradise is starting to come apart at the seams, between Juliet's lame excuse to Roger about Ben being missing, Kate being a sap around Roger, and LaFleur taking one of his security guards captive. This thing should come to a head in the next episode.

3) Did you notice the stuff on Egypt on the chalkboard in the DHARMA classroom? Nothing really revealed, but it underscores that Egyptian stuff is significant.

4) When Pierre Chang says, "I wasn't aware of any circles", that was kind of a cool reference to him not realizing he is sitting next to his son in a time loop.

5) Great to see Hurley watch the numbers being stamped on the hatch. I am starting to believe that the numbers are less mystical, and more just caught in a time loop with Hurley.....I don't have time to explain this one tonight, but I'll try to expand on this in a future post.

6) With all the making up with your daddy stuff Hurley was talking about, was one of the "improvements" he was going to write into "The Empire Strikes Back" a reconciliation of Luke and Vader? Would it go something like this:

Darth Vader: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.
Luke: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!
Darth Vader: No. I am your father.
Luke: No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!
Darth Vader: Search your feelings, you know it to be true!
Luke: No! No!
Darth Vader: Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son.
Luke: OK....but can I borrow the tie-fighter tonight.

7) A threat to Kate finally seemed to momentarily awaken the old Jack. Let's see if this continues.

Jack is back....sort of

8) When Miles and Chang are heading to the sub to get Daniel, Chang says they are getting a scientist from Ann Arbor. Since this is the home of the DHARMA Initiative HQ, it is likely Daniel has been hobnobbing with Gerald and Karen DeGroot.....from orientation film fame.

9) Another popular internet theory is that Ben, Sun, and Locke couldn't go back to 1977, because there was already a younger version of them there (with the only real example being little Ben). Since we saw Miles and baby-Miles in the same scene, I think it is safe to assume that this is another theory that can be safely trashed (two in one episode).

That's all I've got. Next week is a clip show, so I probably won't post.

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