Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lost Analysis and Commentary (Episode 11 – Whatever Happened Happened)

As mentioned last week, I’m in an intensive training this week, so I need to write this up in 1 hour (it usually takes several). So bear with any shortcomings from previous weeks.

So, in the interest of time, let me do some quick hits before I get into the big stuff:

- Hurley and Miles discussing time travel, had to be the greatest, most self-referential thing I have ever seen on a TV show. That dialogue could have been lifted directly from the internet discussion forums. The “Back to the Future” reference was classic. For what its worth, I am solidly with Miles....whatever happened.....ALWAYS happened.
Battle of the time geniuses

- Interesting to see Roger Linus (Ben’s dad) with actual feelings for Ben. Gives just a bit (a very small bit) of sympathy for him when Ben later kills him in “the purge”.

- Nice fakeout in the grocery store, with the woman walking away with Aaron having hair like Claire. I would have preferred Kate losing Aaron to giving him to his grandmother....but whatever....I never really cared that much about that story anyway.

- The Cassidy/Clementine storyline was uneventful, but I guess it was somewhat obligatory to close out (I hope) the Sawyer-baby story.

- Interesting that we now know that Kate went back to find Claire....and not for Sawyer.

- Sawyer calls Kate “Freckles” for the first time since she returned...and then promptly dumps her. Personally, I don’t get Sawyer and Juliet (I still think there is something dark yet to be revealed about Juliet), but whatever. I’m all about theories....not shipping (that is internet speak for interest in character romantic relationships).

- Based on the comment of an Other to Richard, both Charles Widmore and Ellie (whom I have previously affirmed to be Mrs. Hawking) are still on the island in 1977 (interesting....)

- It was a very convenient continuity error that last week, Ben was shot in the dead center of his heart (left side of the chest) and this week the would is on his right side....what is this a silent movie serial?!?!?!?

So far so that done in 15 minutes.

Now, I what to talk about 2 things. First Jack. Then Ben.

This week, the internet theories have been running wild with speculation that Jack would operate on Ben and save him. Seemed reasonable, but I love that Jack refused to do in. In the past, Jack (the Man of Science) would have jumped into action without a second thought. The new Jack (the Man of Faith) lets the island decide if it is necessary to save Ben.

Think about this....if Jack did save Ben, would he have grown up wishing to join the hostiles? The only hostile, he ever met (besides Richard) shot him in the jungle....wouldn’t that push Ben away from a life with them? Now, due to the actions of Kate (‘bout time she actually did something this season) and Sawyer (upon the urging of Juliet....hmmmmmm), Ben will be “saved” by the Others. Now I don’t think it really matters, because Jack NEVER saved was always Richard (I’m right there with you Miles).

But now....did Richard really save Ben? Before taking him, he warned Kate and Sawyer, that he would “never be the same again”. What on Earth does that mean? Well, lets think about where Richard took Ben. He brought him into the Temple....the same place where the smoke monster ripped off Montand’s arm and Rousseau’s crew were “infected”. I’ve previously hypothesized in previous editions that the island may be a gateway to the Underworld, and the smoke monster is Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld. I’ve also speculated that the four-toed statue is Anubis, the Egyptian god that guides souls to Underworld. Perhaps, Richard is Anubis. And maybe his face is what we will see if we ever get a look at the front of the statue.

Gate to the Underworld?

I think another point that reinforces this is just after we see Richard bring Ben into the Temple, the scene switched to a waking Ben finding Locke sitting over him. Locke says, “Hello Ben. Welcome back to the land of the living.” I think that is about a big of clue as we could be given as to what is really going on.

Welcome back to the Land of the Living

I don’t have time to write much more. Next week’s episode (a Ben-centric, called “Dead is Dead”) looks absolutely EPIC! Can’t wait.

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