Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lost Analysis and Commentary (Episode 10 - He's Our You)

The alternate title for this week's episode could have been: "Sayid is a Stone Cold Badass". Our favorite Iraqi is indeed an intriguing character. I've always found Sayid-centric episodes to be among the best. He is rarely the focus of the main story, but when his character is given a chance to stretch his legs, I find him fascinating.
Badass Sayid

I mentioned a few weeks back that we were likely going to see flashbacks again and we indeed got them started this week. Some people were glad to see them gone earlier this season...but I think they are an important component of the series that adds depth to the story. In fact, the flashbacks are one of the things that made Lost special when it first came on the scene. Admittedly, before the introduction of the flash-forward, the flashbacks were feeling forced. But now, after a little break, I, for one, am welcoming them back.

What was great about this week's episode was that the flashback filled in important keys to the story. We now know that Sayid was capable of taking a life at an early age ("choking the chicken" will never be quite as funny as it used to be). We learned that Sayid's hatred for Ben was due more to Ben showing Sayid his true nature...a natural born killer. We found out how Sayid came to be in handcuffs, escorted by Ilana onto Ajira 316. And finally we have been told that Ilana doesn't work for Benjamin Linus (unless she is lying....but I am inclined to believe her). Entertaining and informative...that is the way all flashbacks should be. I expect we'll flashbacks about Kate (where is Aaron?), Hurley (how did he get out of jail and here did that guitar come from?), Jack (did he have a second meeting with Locke?), Sun (what is she really up to?), and Ben (if he isn't dead....what happened at the pier).

Now I know everyone is waiting for me to get to the final scene, but first I want to take a little detour to a line that probably slipped past most people. When Horace was conducting his DHARMA Initiative Town Hall Meeting, Radzinsky says "Either we make a decision, or I call Ann Arbor...and they make a decision for us". Ann Arbor is the home of the University of Michigan....where DHARMA Initiative founders Gerald and Karen DeGroot were based in the 70s. The DeGroots are one of those pieces of Lost lore that have been the subject of much hardcore fan speculation. The only thing we know about the DeGroots is the little that is told to us in the orientation films for the Swan and Pearl stations. Gerald also appears briefly in the Room 23 film (If you remember back in season 3, Karl, Alex's boyfriend, is being brainwashed by the Others in Room 23 where he is forced to watch a movie with a bunch of weird images and music playing). The mention of Ann Arbor tells me that we are likely to see the DeGroots in the near future. I am really pleased that this season pieces of the backstory are coming into play (the statue, Danielle's team, the DI, the DeGroots....and maybe before long The Black Rock).

Karen and Gerald DeGroot from the Pearl Orientation Video

OK, now let's talk about the episode's final scene. Last week, I said that either Sayid will attempt to kill Ben or he will align with Ben and join the Others. Well, they teased us into thinking it was headed toward the latter, then suddenly Sayid pops a cap in lil' Ben. If it wasn't for last week's preview showing Sayid shooting at someone in that final scene (I was really pissed that they did that), it would have been as shocking as Michael shooting Libby and Ana Lucia. None-the-less, I was still somewhat surprised to see Sayid shoot Ben point blank in the heart.

Dead Ben?

So what does this mean?

I believe one of three things will turn out to be true: 1) Ben isn't dead OR 2) Ben is dead and this has changed everything OR 3) Ben is dead and the island resurrects him via the smoke monster (ala Christian).

I'll take them one at a time. In any other location, a shot like that would kill Ben...but they are on the island. The island has miraculous healing power, but others who have been shot on the island (save Locke) die and stay dead. However, if the island isn't done with Ben yet, he won't die. Also, I believe in what Daniel has told us: "whatever happened, happened" (interestingly enough this is the title of next week's episode). So, in order for Ben to be a presence in the future, he must live in the past. I believe this to be the most likely case.

Now option two is that Ben is indeed dead. The one case you could make for this is the mystery I mentioned last week regarding the seemingly alternate future the Ajira crash survivors appear to be in. If Ben is dead, then there was never a purge of the DI and who knows how many other things would be different (then again Ms. Hawking has said "the universe has a way of course correcting"). Let me make one thing perfectly clear...if this is indeed the way it plays out I will be pissed off beyond belief. For one it would mean everything that we've seen in seasons 1-4 never happened and second it sets up a million time paradoxes. I just cannot believe the writers, who have been planning the show so meticulously, would allow something like this to occur.

The third option is that Ben dies and is resurrected through the smoke monster (or some other island means) and becomes the walking dead like Christian. This could explain why Ben appears to be omniscient and detached. However, I don't buy this either. It just isn't consistent with the rest of the show. I don't see how Ben could spend so much off island time if he is a part of the island.

So, I'll stick with Ben is alive....for now.

Oh...and by the way, when the DHARMA torturer came out of his tent, how many of you said, "Hi, I'm Larry, this is my brother Darryl and this is my other brother Darryl."?

Oldham (or Larry?)

That is all I've got for this week. Next week I start a 4-week intensive training course. I'm not sure how much time I'll have to write blog entries, but I'll do what I can.

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