Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lost Analysis and Commentary (Episode 9 - Namaste)

In comparison with the rest of season 5, this week’s episode was a little pedestrian…but I think that is more a testament to the great episodes we had so far (Jughead, 316, L&D of Jeremy Bentham and This Place is name a few), rather than a condemnation of Namaste.

This week was entertaining and it had a few good moments here and there, but I think this was more of a set up for the rest of the season. And that isn’t a bad thing....just a necessity to tell the rest of the story. They needed to make it clear that Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Sayid are in a different time than Locke/Ben/Sun/Frank. Done. Team Sawyer needed to introduce the Ajira 316 survivors to the DHARMA initiative. Done. Everyone needed to say their hellos. Done. Sun and Frank needed to get to the main island, while Ben remained on Hydra Island. Done.

Before I get into my major discussion topics, let me throw out a couple of little nuggets that I thought were interesting. First, we not only got to meet the never-before-seen Swan Station button-pusher Radzinski, but learned that he was the architect of said station….the one he eventually blows his brains out in. Second, Jack was made a DHARMA “workman”….got to believe he will be working with or for Ben’s dad, Roger (“Roger Workman” as Hurley once referred to his skeleton).
Radzinky working on The Swan model

So now lets get into some analysis…starting with the crash of Ajira 316 (I called landing on the runway back before episode 316….I have to pat my self on the back when I get one right, since I’m more likely to blow my predictions….see below). Did you notice that after the flash took Jack/Hurley/Kate/Sayid to 1977, it turned from night to day outside the plane? Also, as the plane is going down, you can hear “4...8...15...16...” over the radio. If this is being broadcast from the island, it raises a continuity issue....Daniel Rousseau changed the radio broadcast (from the “numbers”) some time after her arrival in 1988. The other odd thing was when Sun and Frank arrive at the main island, the barracks appear to be in complete disarray….not like they were when we last saw them (when Keamy and company attacked the Losties last season). And then, when Christian tells Sun that Jin is with her friends, he says she has a “long journey” ahead of her. Seems like an odd thing to say. My initial reaction was that they aren’t in 2007, but then I remembered during the opening scene change, the caption said “Thirty Years Earlier”. So if Team Sawyer is in 1977, then the Ajira folks are in 2007. However, something is definitely not kosher here. I don’t want to speculate too much about this, but is it possible that the Ajira flight has entered an alternate timeline (or parallel universe) in which the Oceanic 815 crash never occurred? I’m reluctant to go down that rabbit hole (its like the smoke monster hole...once you go in, you are never the same), but it is an intriguing idea.

Night turns to day outside the plane

But here is another question. Why is Sun the only one of the Oceanic 5 survivors that didn’t flash to 1977? I’ve read some speculation that since Ben is already on the island in 1977, he can’t flash back this would imply that Sun is already on the island in 1977. The theory being two of the same person can’t exist in the same place/time. In my opinion that is load of fish biscuits...we’ve seen earlier this season when the Losties were time skipping that they were existing at the same time as when they were already there (Locke saw the light from the Swan and Sawyer saw Kate helping Claire give birth). Here is a much better explanation: Sun left the island pregnant and needed to return with her child (matching the entity that left) in order to flash to 1977. And Ben simply was not supposed to return.

I mentioned Christian’s encounter with Sun above....and that was quite unusual. It was obvious that the smoke monster was moving the trees around prior to seeing Christian. Then there was smoke coming in the processing building door after the wind blew it open (and right after that if you look over Sun’s left shoulder, you we see a woman in the shadows...possibly Claire). Now the obvious conclusion is that Christian is actually a manifestation of smokey. However, I you recall from one of my previous posts, I talked about the smoke monster’s moniker of Cerberus....and its potential role as the guardian of the underworld. Maybe the smoke monster can retrieve the dead (we’ve seen dead people on the island when smokie is around....Yemi, Ben’s mom, Harper).

Who is behind Sun?

Now, let’s get this over with....Amy’s baby. Well, it turned out to be Ethan (damn I was wrong about it being Hurley)….which makes him island born....this could explain why he is an Other. I had another theory that Amy is actually an Others/Hostiles spy that has infiltrated the Dharma Initiative. It wouldn’t be the first time the Others have done this....but I’ve talked myself out of this theory. I don’t have much about Ethan...and I can’t think of a reason to care....yet.

No more talking about Ethan

But what I do care about is....where in the world is Daniel Faraday? When Sawyer mentions Faraday, Jack asks, “Faraday’s here?” To which Sawyer replies, “Not anymore”. So where is he? I’d say one of two things has occurred. Either Daniel spun the Donkey wheel (not very likely) or he took Charlotte off the island (ding, ding, ding). I think Faraday has vamoosed with Charlotte and is doing some time/space tinkering in the outside world. Only a guess though.

Last, but not least, how could I not talk about the Ben-Sayid meeting. While it wasn’t too much of a shock that at some point we would run into young Ben....I really liked the way the scene played. The kid who plays young Ben has really stepped up his acting game since his first appearance in season 3. I thought his mannerisms and facial expressions (even the eyes...those horrible eyes, as Widmore once said) were spot on. I see the rest of this season playing out one of two ways. Either Sayid will attempt to kill Ben or he will align with Ben (as he did after returning to the real world) and join the Others. Since he can’t kill Ben without violating the space/time continuum rules, I think the latter may turn out to be true. Remember that Widmore said a war is coming. Maybe the war will turn out to be different factions of the Oceanic survivors.

Growing into his creepiness

That’s all I’ve got for this week. Namaste and good luck.

One last thing. I want to put in a little plug for The Lost Initiative from Sky One. These guys do a very entertaining webcast twice a week. Their theories and analyses are weak, but it is still very fun to watch. You can find them on facebook or google them.

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